When planning a move you are bound to have to deal with a lot of different elements if you are to plan it properly. It is important that you do this because otherwise, you may end up with a huge headache. For instance, choosing a moving date is a really important segment of the move. It depends on a lot of different, changeable factors that you all have to take into consideration. Then you should hire a moving company to assist you with your move. Now, as many moving companies offer different moving services, such as packing, you have to choose the best of those to suit your needs. Further steps in planning include getting the hold of various forms of documentation, changing your address, etc. An important question remains still – When should you start packing for a local move?
Packing is one of the most essential elements of the move, along with actually moving your belongings. It is the crucial thing in the entire process of moving without which every move is basically just a chance to break and damage things. There are so many different types of items that counting them is impossible. Packing everything that you can find in your home is not something you can just sit down and do in one sitting. It takes time and planning. That is why it is important to plan the packing schedule carefully. Depending on how far away the moving date is, you will have more or less room to maneuver. We have prepared a guide for you on how to actually handle this particular problem, so without further ado, let us delve into it.
One extra tip before we start actually planning – make an inventory list
This is one of the best and most useful tips one could ever give you. At least when it comes to packing. Creating an inventory list is not something everyone would recommend. In fact, a lot of people do disregard the influence an inventory list can have on your move. It will take time to make one, yes. But it can help you make your packing and unpacking process as efficient as possible. It would be best if you made an inventory list for each of the rooms in your home separately. Once you make them, you will then be able to plan the packing process. When putting items in a box, it is important that you do not put too much weight into a single box. The list can help you do this.
Furthermore, you can make unpacking easier by marking in which box you put which item. By doing this you will be able to plan the unpacking process in advance. If you put, let’s say, “L3” on a box which stands for “Living room box number 3”, and mark every item with its corresponding number, then you can organize the unpacking schedule by prioritizing. This will help you a great deal with the settling period in your new place. In addition to this, the inventory list is a document that you need when you want to file an insurance claim. Hiring reliable movers and packers Jersey City offers is generally a guarantee of avoiding the need for this. However, sometimes things happen and it is a smart move to make this list before you start packing for a local move.
Three to four weeks earlier is enough time to start packing for a local move
This is the perfect time to start packing for a local move. Have your inventory list by your side and take your time labeling everything properly. Things that have no purpose in everyday life such as Christmas decorations, holiday décor and things that you usually use in your storage space are what you should pack in this period. Seasonal clothes i.e. clothes of that season which you are not in during the moving out process belong here also. Kitchen items that you do not use as much, or some tools etc also belong into this category. Some of the things are also probably something that you do not really need, so you can get rid of them. There are several ways you can get rid of them depending on their condition and utility – Throw away, donate, give away or sell.
Two weeks before the move
Two weeks will give you more than enough time to pack at a steady and relaxed tempo. In this phase, you should start dealing with those things that do somewhat belong in everyday use. So, things such as books, for instance, should be packed in this period. All other things similar to these are a fair game when it comes to packing. If you are the one doing the packing, depending on the number of household members and the size of your home, you can start even earlier if you deem it necessary. If the local movers NJ are the ones doing the packing, they will, of course, do this in a condensed schedule.
The “essentials box”
Around 5 to 7 days is when you should start planning packing your most essential things. The way to go about this is to take note every day what are the most important items that you need throughout the day. Some electronic devices are bound to be a part of this group – laptop, phone, charger come to mind right away. Personal hygiene items such as the toothbrush and shampoo are something you will want to have easy access to when you move to your new place. Also, you need to prepare a spare few sets of clothes for the moving day and the day or two after the move. Though you should think about this in those 5 to 7 days before the move, you should not be packing them for a local move before 1 or 2 days before. Good luck!