To say that the current year has been a stressful one would be an understatement. The pandemic of the COVID-19 virus has struck the entire world to a varying degree. Our country is among those that were hit the hardest and that is still having major problems to a similarily varying degree depending on the state. That is why questions such as whether safe New Jersey relocation in 2020 even possible is a more than valid question. There are many things one has to do in order to move to a new home. Even when things were normal, you would still have to take care of a whole lot of things to move successfully. Hiring a reliable moving company is still one of the key things towards that goal. However, it is not enough definitely. Depending on where you are moving from, things can get tricky.
So, first of all, is safe New Jersey relocation in 2020 possible and when?
The answer is yes, it is possible. However, there is a long way towards getting to a point where you are able to move in a safe way. The first thing that we need to talk about is the urgency of that move. Moving to New Jersey or from it may be something that is really important for you. Relocating to a new home is one of the things that happen in life. Whether you are moving to a dorm in the neighboring city, or you are got a new job in another state, most of us end up moving at one point in life. However, what you need to ask yourself is whether this is really something that you need to do this year? Yes, it is possible to relocate in a safe manner, but if it is not urgent, then maybe you should postpone it.
The thing is that no one can actually predict how long this whole situation will last. So, the best thing that you can do is simply wait for a better time to move. In that way, you will avoid unnecessary pressure and stress. And it is important to emphasize the fact that this will not last forever. This situation will get better eventually and the world will in one way or the other get back to normal. Or at least as close to it as possible. Now, of course, maybe you just got this great job in Hackensack, and you have already contacted movers Hackensack offers and you are now just a bit anxious about the process. In the following paragraphs, you will see how you can move in a safe way.
When is the best time to move?
If you do have to move this year, then you may have to act in a bit of an uncommon way. Usually, when it comes to the moving season, there are two distinct choices. One is the summer, the other one is the winter, with fall and spring being in between the first two. The peak of the season is during the summer. That is when kids have the summer break from school and people tend to go on holidays, students’ lectures are done, and when you put all this together, it makes sense that that is when the movers have the most work to do, which is also why the may charge more and be a lot harder to land a moving date with. During the winter, people move less because the school break is far shorter, and everybody is in a hustle to end the year successfully.
However, this is also when movers have fewer clients so it is generally easier to move then in that aspect. Now, since the situation is such that no one knows exactly how and when things will go back to normal, we cannot really know just yet how this will impact the market. There are indications that the market will not get to its usual rhythm for quite a while. Thus, moving during the later part of the year may then be just the thing you need. There will be even fewer people moving around. This means that the movers will have fewer contact with other people. If you move during the workweek, more people will be outside. So, putting all this together, moving on one winter weekend may then be the safest time to move to your new home.
You must be informed, careful and responsible
The importance of doing thorough research is something that we cannot stress enough. This is overall really important when you are preparing for a move. For instance, if you are moving over a longer distance to another country, you should research the potential moving companies. Do not just pick one by simply glancing their rating. You need to read the reviews, check their FMCSA and BBB record, etc. In the situation the world and our country are currently in, you need to do a lot more. If you are moving to another city, or even more so to another state, you really should research their rules and regulations. You must see what their situation is in regards to the virus.
They may have special rules in effect that can hinder your entire move. It is better to know them before sooner rather than later. Furthermore, while it is possible to have a safe New Jersey relocation in 2020, it may not always be the case. Some countries have had it worse than others. So, it is possible that they have special regulations, especially if you are moving from a country that was hit hard by the virus. After all, New Jersey is one of these countries. And lastly, do everything you can to uphold the rules about social distancing and wearing protection and any other rules that may be issued between now and then (stay updated at all times).